23 July 2011

come back to the old kind
of trust

the arithmetic of care

                           near the rock river
in bloom
                           the year’s second full moon

a  beautiful   dutiful thief
                           just saying that comes as relief
no longer
keeping it
                  from myself

sharing the wealth
                           the health                    
the burden
    of words
                           you couldn't call it anything else

these are the ones
                           that woke me up
that made me
                           and forget what it is about heaven

turning over every leaf
                           to find they are the same
what was
the name?
                           to finally place the blame

in brazil it isn't summer
                           clandestine behavior  
to taste
the sweet sunshine
                           cold and clear or warm and bright

joyride got to have
                           summer twice
before she took
the bad advice
                           she spilled it slowly late at night

she took the time
                           to take a chance
before the fall
broke both her hands
                           put the idea back in a can

it came from eyes
                           and minds   hearts in the air
from scorn
and stares  
                           golden waves of golden hair

not sure i was
                           supposed to be complete
not even
remotely sure
                           about supposed to be

to those that would
and everyone
                           the wood makes a good effort

to hold back the water
                           feel like it ought to
come back
to the old kind of

Helping Mr. Rothko by Henry Xavier Porter 2007

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