14 July 2011

the augury of a bright light fist fight

we should talk about this when you're sober
     and in the same room
if you want to

but i refuse to let it make me emotional

i mean what’s the use in useful
when there’s no truth   in truthful 
and there’s less of each on the near side   of youthful

it’s all the mythology of how you’re supposed to be
holiday    hanging things
    christians from christmas trees
strange fruit
sweet tooth 
     polite  but uncouth

leaving the worries underneath the night
digging up the dark    in the park by moonlight
look at these blue eyes    look at them sobright


    a sign

painting a white line
          on a dirt road
for the chance to see no clothes
hopped up on bennies and cotton mouthed no-doz
but stone stuck listening  to those motherfuckin staylows

oh no
        no  n’no

the hammock by the creek
dirty feet underneath
        but ready to run
at the first sight of fun

the augury of a bright light fist fight
the happening of past   not plight
   the undiscovered king
his loosened time piece
     lost in the waiting
         and bag full of wind blown
dirty dream  suffering
the whole deck shuffling

hanging hard    then swinging free
    quick just like qt lee

innocent remark on the trail of her heart 
          lost to india  but still at full sail
    and sure science     that whole hearted compliance
means that wartime enactors     distressing distractors
      remain casually cold    suppliant

current events  that still don’t make sense
mire in coincidence
      my head    has a dent
and that is all that i meant  

there comes a time in every one's life when the goal is to be left alone

that time is over for me
 that time is over      now 

count up to thirty three and let it spin
by the minute  you can write down the names
     remember who was left in it
discovering subtleties still in the room
after ends and the winds finally
            blew through

where the red thread and ink take up the fight
and time stuck in air only happens    at night
when there’s nothing to do and no worry of whom
might be sending or saving    or coming unglued

in the air                     in the sunlight

      that truth   was unbearable
heart slow
   a wind blows
the first snow is  terrible

but why oh why
        is decay so beautiful?

 it has lived a life

 *photo by patrick riedy

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