that I am not alone is a comforting feeling.
The real danger is isolation.
If you
get to the point where you think that all the negative feelings must be carried
alone, there is no better antidote than realizing that others will gladly help
you carry the burden.
help comes in stories, personal stories, really really personal stories. These are shared with you and the open air. Just said out loud, in front of a gathered
crowd who all has little parts of themselves that don’t want to be shown for
fear of truth being known, fear of remaining alone.
the stories are heard, when those ideas find the air. I realize that the things I have tried to
keep from being known, the things that make me feel most alone, are common
that people like Maggie Bertram and Jordan Burnham talk about every day.
just by the talking, just by taking that leap of help or faith they say directly
to me…
a roomful of eager eyes and ears, they say…
To me….
alright, you’re okay, I’ve been where you are and I know it’s every little bit of ‘so fucking hard’
but let me tell you this; it will get better.
All you have to do is let it. All
you have to do is ask someone to help you, help someone who asks you and be
true to your own truth, no matter what ‘they’ say you should do. Because ‘they’ are feeling a lot of the same
things too and ‘they’ want to help, ‘they’
want to help you. ‘They’ want to feel the same things you aspire
to, ‘they’ want to know someone can be true and really mean what is said when
it comes to care, ‘they’ want to know that you
will be there.
‘there’ is a bit of a tricky word, ‘I’ll be there for you’ is so often heard
and so often meant (which is really the key) to a life better lived for you and
for me.”
This is
what I heard, this is what I felt
when just two brave souls came to my
school, stuck their necks out, and told their truths in such a way that it made
what I had to carry a little lighter that day…
every day since.
Love it. Very true :)